I am so PROUD of Cooper! He finally overcame one of his biggest fears. On Saturday I finally convinced him to take his training wheels off his bike and try riding it without the training wheels. He was SO scared and whined and whimpered at first, but as I pumped him full of you can do it, soon he started to catch on and was riding for short distances by himself. Of course he still wanted mom to follow right behind with a hand out just in case he fell. It was one of those proud mom moments! :) I think I actually yelled really loud "Oh my gosh Cooper, you did it all by your self" the first time he did it by himself. All the neighbors were watching and could hear me down the street! LOL :) He has been so afraid of riding without training wheels, but I knew he was ready. It was just convincing him that he was ready! When Blaine got home we had to show dad and again get all excited for Cooper. I got Blaine to work with him a little bit so I could get a video of Cooper riding his bike. Blaine then took Cooper to the gas station to pick out a treat for doing so well (my kids LOVE going to the gas station to get treats)! Now as his confidence grows, each time we go outside and practice, he is getting braver and going further and further by himself. He still needs me to stand by and watch and make sure he dosen't fall, but now he officially has bragging rights to his friends at school. That was the main reason he was wanting to learn was because some of his friends at school already had learned to ride their bikes and he didn't want to be left behind. Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing! ;) Now if Cooper can only conquor his fear of swimming so easily............
7 years ago
Oh, he is getting so old! I can't wait to see all of ya'll in a few weeks!
Go Cooper! That is so exciting! Way to GO!
Way to go Cooper! That is a big accomplishment. He is growing up so fast.
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