Monday, September 9, 2013

House Tour

I have always taken pictures of each house we have lived in for the kids (and me) to remember it by. It is always fun to look back and show the kids their old rooms and such. Plus, I thought it would be an easy way to show the home owners a view of their rental house since they live in Utah. And seriously, sometimes it's just plain rewarding to clean a house from top to bottom and then take pictures to look back on whenever your house is a total disaster! :) Here's to happy, clean house memories!

Living Room

Those freshly vacuumed carpet lines make me SO happy!!! ;)

I really need to update pictures. Poor Lathen is not in a single one.
The kitchen is kinda plain, but I LOVE the chevron table runner my mother-in-law quilted for me!
Play Room
The play room is my favorite room in our rental house. It is so nice to be able to keep all of the toys and video games in one room out of view of the living room.
Ahhh, so clean and organized.
Just looking at this picture makes me all relaxed when in real life the playroom is a hot MESS!!!!
Homework/Reading/Art/Quiet Room
This room is the boys favorite room, since its where they play Legos, draw, and read.
Boy's Room

Kid's Bathroom
I love my towel hook!! For the first time ever each child has their own towel and they stay off the floor!! YEA!!
Lucy's room
Front Porch
My view from my front porch. I told you I lived in the middle of nowhere! :) It is very pretty and peaceful in the middle of nowhere, but I long for just a few neighbors (the deer, raccoons and turkeys do not count) and a paved road! LOL!
I did not take pics of our bedroom and bathroom because I never got around to painting or decorating those rooms. Plus, our bedroom is still the dumping ground for the last few unpacked boxes. UGH!!! And yes, we still have unpacked boxes a year after we have moved. BOO!! ;(


Sunday, September 8, 2013


We don't get many visitors since moving to the middle of nowhere MS! :) But every now and then we get a few friends who don't mind getting off the beaten trail (technically its a dirt road) to visit us. LOL :) The kids love hanging out with cousins and I throughly enjoy my adult chat time! Thanks Nathan and Jill for coming to visit. Y'all are welcome anytime!

All the cousins having a picnic lunch.
Fun times, trying to get a group shot with everyone looking.
The girls! Lucy and Presley.
Cooper showing Drew how to build Legos. It's fun to watch Cooper as the oldest cousin teaching the younger ones.

The boys. Carter, Drew, and Cooper.



Thursday, September 5, 2013

Real life and my not so perfect kiddos

I've never had professional pictures of our family taken. I know one day I will look back and think why in the world did I never get professional pictures taken? I guess it's because I am always scared I will pay a lot of money and my kids will act total nuts and it will turn into a huge fiasco. So instead of hiring someone to get decent pictures I always try to take them myself. That way if my kids act crazy there will be no money lost. So here you go one of my crazy photo taking sessions, I can NEVER get all 4 kids to look or smile at the same time. I think when Lathen gets a few months older I really just need to bite the bullet and get some professional family pictures taken. Oh well, here are a few of my not so perfect pictures of the kids to keep you going until then! LOL :)


This was the best one of the bunch. I still couldn't get Carter to smile without looking like he was miserable. Lucy did start smiling but only when I bribed her with candy.

My sweet, smiling Coop with a disgruntled baby.
I love this picture! Carter got distracted with a worm and Lucy ran away just as I started snapping. ;)
I really like these two pics of the older kids but Lathen is looking down and Lucy wouldn't sit to save her life.


I love how, no matter what the other kids are doing, Cooper is smiling in every one. He has always been my perfect smile child. Everyone was well rewarded for their efforts (despite the outcome) with several pieces of candy! :) I LOVE my Kiddos, crazy smiles and all!

By the way, the part of the picture that you can't see is me laying on the ground in my skirt from church, (because if I had taken the time to change clothes, the kids would have stripped out of their nice clothes also) wildly waving a sucker around with one hand while making Donald Duck noises and snapping pictures with the other hand hoping for a good one!


Monday, September 2, 2013

2 months

What?! Lathen is 2 months already. His 2 month b-day honestly came and went before I realized the date. Little man (his nickname) has chunked up to 11lbs, started smiling and cooing, and holds his head up pretty well. I adore his little face and can't get enough baby loving!!!!!

Funny faces!!
Holding his head up to look around.
From smiley to so serious.
Smiling and cooing



Little man has started smiling within the last few weeks. It just makes my day when I see his eyes meet mine and his face lights up. He definitely knows who his mama is!



Back to school

It's crazy that summer is over and school is now in full swing. The boys started Fourth Grade and First Grade a few weeks ago and are doing great so far. We sure do miss the lazy days where we got to sleep in though. But the boys are excited because soccer and gymnastics have started again also! That means lots of fun and BUSY times ahead. I will put quite a few miles on my car as I haul the boys around to various activities!
My big 9 year old!!
I was so sad to send him off to Fourth Grade where the other kids towered over him. He is now switching classes and does not get to play on the little kid playground anymore. BOO, to growing up! :(
My CUTIE 6 year old!
He was super nervous to go to 1st grade this year, but got excited once he saw a few familiar faces. He is doing great behavior wise and loves his teacher!