Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Look what Carter can do!

Carter has finally learned to ride his tricycle! He used to push his trike around with his feet on the ground. This would only last for a short while though because he would get frustrated that he couldn't keep up with Cooper. He can now pedal with both feet and is so proud to be able to hang with Cooper. We can now stroll around the neighborhood with both boys trucking along on their bikes! It is so fun to watch Carter pedal his little legs so fast, trying his hardest to keep up with Cooper! Every afternoon lately, you can find us outside on the driveway. I can now read a book in the afternoon breeze, while the boys happily ride bikes around me in circles, as long as I throw out a hand every now and then for them to high five!

Turn off my music at the bottom of the page to hear the videos.

1 comment:

Kaitlan said...

What a big boy he is now. I bet they have fun riding together. Maybe Carter can teach Hailey how to ride too. LOL.