Monday, September 7, 2009


It's been awhile since I last posted and alot has been going on in the Britt household! Let's see, where do I begin? Two weeks ago my dad, mom and brother came down for a surprise visit! My oldest brother decided to fly home for a few days and visit family. He hasn't been home in two years, so it was quite a surprise and pleasure to see him again after so long. The boys LOVED seeing their Gigi and Papa and finally got to meet their Uncle BB.

Then that weekend my niece was turning 8 and getting baptized. So on Sunday we drove to Hattiesburg, MS and spent time with family and got to attend my nieces Baptism! I can't believe Chanie is 8 already. It seems like just yesterday when we lived in Pine Haven (family housing for married USM students) and Chanie and Caymin (her sister) would stay with me while their mom went to class. She was only 2 at the time. Her mom and me would take the girls and dress them up and take pictures. They were so little and adorable!

My dad sent us home from Hattiesburg with fresh peanuts, so on Monday I boiled peanuts for the first time! I LOVE boiled peanuts, but have never made them myself. So after calling my mom for directions, 7 hours of boiling, too many "Are they done yet?", and LOTS of salt they were finally ready! The boys tore into them and ate until their tummys could hold no more. I also ate my fair share! They were so delicious!

On Tuesday I regorganized my craft room/laundry room. Instead of pouting to Blaine about not having enough room to do my sewing, I decided to go to Lowes and see if I could find anything cheap to help me organize it better. I found a tall and skinny plastic drawer organizer(to hold my fabric) that fit into a small space between my sewing table and the water heater and I found a cheap curtain rod to hang on the wall that can hold rolls of things such as ribbon and stabilizer. I also got another thread rack to hang on the wall for my growing collection of thread. I then stole Blaine's nice comfy computer chair from his office because my bum was getting so sore sitting on that hard fold up chair. He didn't mind since he dosen't use it much anymore! Anyway, my sewing nook is still TINY but at least I have a place to put everything now!! I can't wait till the day when I can have a huge sewing/craft room all to myself!!:)

Then on Wednesday my sister had her BEAUTIFUL baby girl! She is just gorgeous! They named her Julia Sibley Holm. I didn't get to go see her because they live in Shreveport , LA but here is a pic my sister sent to me. CONGRATULATIONS to the Holm family!

On Saturday Cooper started his gymnastics class. He has taken it before but this time, I moved him to the older class. He loved it! They did more complicated things in the older class and he was with more kids his age. Even though he is 5 now and thinks he is big he still has his moments. In the younger class they got stamps after class if they were well behaved, well in the older class they don't do that. After his class was over he went and sat down and waited for them to give him a stamp, when he realized he wasn't going to get a stamp he got really upset and started crying. I felt so bad, so I promised him we would go buy some stamps and if he did a good job at gymnastics, I would give him a stamp!

Saturday afternoon, I made some new shirts for the boys. Carter LOVED his shirt and wanted to wear it all day. He calls it his GATOR shirt.

Then that night after Blaine got off work we drove to LA to be there for Drew's (Blaine's cousins baby) blessing. It was our first time meeting Drew and he was so sweet! He is just the cutest redhead ever! It was such a sweet blessing and we throughly enjoyed getting to visit with everyone.


Mills Family said...

So that is where you have been. We missed you on Sunday. Next time you make boiled peanuts we will be over!!! Happy Birthday!

Kaitlan said...

Wow, you have been super busy. I wish you would have told me it was your birthday yesterday, but I guess I probably would have done the same thing. Happy Late Birthday. I hope you had a great time today with your family.

Sarah said...

You have been a busy little family. I have to say that you boiled peanuts look really good and made me really miss the south. LOL I love what you did with your sewing room. I can't wait until I can have a little sewing/craft room. I am glad that you guys were able to spend some time with family. Hopefully, this week won't be so crazy for ya. =c)

Jill Britt said...

I'm so glad y'all were able to come visit & meet Drew. I'm glad that Carter liked our toilet enough to want to keep it up at home, too! I hope we can meet up in New Orleans soon.