Friday, April 22, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

BEWARE: This post is LONG with way too many pictures!! ;)

This week is Cooper's spring break and Blaines vacation week.  I am SO SUPER EXCITED they ended up being the same week.  For spring break I planned a camping trip in Destin, FL. Honestly the idea of camping pregnant was not appealling, but campsites are cheap compared to hotels.  Plus, I found a really fun campsite with beach access to Destin beach, a pool, a playground for the kids, really nice bath houses, tons of paved biking paths and super nice campsites with water and electricity(THE GOOD).  Once at the campsite the boys had so much fun helping Blaine set up the tent and exploring our camp area.  It was honestly super nice, for a campsite that is.  I am sure the near perfect weather and comfy air mattress really had the most to do with how nice it was! LOL :)  We spent most of our first day there setting up camp, exploring the area, and just enjoying the calm of  the outdoors.  That night we cooked hotdogs and S'mores over the campfire and fell asleep to the sound of crickets with tons of stars overhead.  As Carter was falling asleep he kept saying "This is the best trip ever, dad!"  The boys really had alot of fun!  On day two we spent the morning at the beach (The water in Destin is crystal blue and gorgeous.) and the afternoon at the pool. It was a fabulous day until that evening. Cooper and I were tending the campfire to make some tinfoil dinners while Blaine went to the nearby grocery store for some hamburger patties, when the "accident" happened (THE BAD).  Cooper was climbing a small tree and when he slid down there was a sharp, broken branch sticking out that he didn't see.  It caught him right in the groin area (THE UGLY). To spare you  the details and to save Cooper some dignity, lets just say we ended  up  taking him to the nearest ER where he got stiches in a very sensitive area and we cut our camping trip short to take him home to recover.  Now three days later he is up and about playing with his brother like nothing ever happened (well except if he gets bumped there or when we have to apply medicine to the wound).  I  think everyone was sad to have to come home early, but we are just glad Cooper is recovering well and that there wasn't any permanent damage done. Needless to say I don't think Cooper will ever climb a tree again. Hopefully we will be able to go camping again without any accidents.
Helping dad set up the tent 
Enjoying the camp fire 
Hot dogs and S'mores, YUMMO! 
                                        Cooper taking pics of everybody
                                 Enjoying the playground near our camp site
Finding treasures on our nature hike 
Having fun riding bikes around camp 

My favorite men riding the tram to the beach trying to look cool. 
This was a favorite for Carter. 
Beach Time
The beach was GORGEOUS!!
We will definitely go back to Destin Beach. 
                           The water was so crystal blue/green and beautiful. 
Daddy and Carter walking back from the beach. 
Carter having a blast at the pool 
The kids fell asleep in the car when we went to go get ice cream, so Blaine and I ate ice cream in peace for a bit. 
Blaine teaching Cooper how to build a fire. 
Carter zonked out from too much fun! 
The "accident" shorts.  Cooper wanted to keep them for memories. UH-NO!! I don't need any extra keepsakes from the event.  I am already tramatized enough.
Cooper waking up to a sign that one of Blaine's co-workers made for Cooper. 
A big bag of Candy for Cooper to help ease the pain. 
Making the tinfoil dinners at home that we never had a chance to make when camping.


Sarah said...

Sounds like a really fun vacation minus Cooper getting hurt. I am so sorry that happened to him. (Poor Cooper) I am glad to hear that he is healing and recovering so well. That campsite sounded amazing and the beach was beautiful. I am so ready for the summer. These pictures really make me miss Texas. Ohio is so gloomy. LOL

Mills Family said...

Looks like you had a blast in Destin despite the accident. How fun that you still made tin foil dinners from home. Glad Cooper is doing better.

Laura said...

That's funny he wanted to keep the shorts. Hope he's feeling all the way better soon.

Sue Severson said...

Happy Easter. I could do without the crawfish. Nice blog.