Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!!!

For April Fools I planned a switcheroo dinner for the boys.  We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and cupcakes for dessert. ;) Or did  we?
Topped off with blue milk! 
I told the boys they could eat their dessert first!
Woo-hoo! They were so excited to be able to eat their cupcakes first! 

Wait a sec, mom!!! These are NOT cupcakes!
They were meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato frosting and the spaghetti was a cake decorated to look  like spaghetti and  meatballs!
The boys gave them a thumbs up and thought it was a super fun April Fools dinner!

The funniest part was that Carter didn't catch on at first.  He was licking the mashed potatoes off his meatloaf cupcake like it really was icing saying, YUM until Cooper started shouting Carter it is MASHED POTATOES!!!! LOL :)

FYI: I just went back and looked at the pics on this post and yes my spaghetti cake does look more like a bloody Halloween cake with eyeballs or something instead spaghetti.  LOL! Oh well, the boys thought it was fantastic!


Kara and Theo said...

Too funny! I did that a few years ago and even dyed the mashed potatoes purple! When they discovered that it was really mashed potatoes they were totally grossed out by the purple-ness and wouldn't eat them. LOL! Good times!

Sarah said...

What a fun idea! It all looks yummy to me. I will have to try something like that next year.

Mills Family said...

How creative! Looks like the boys had a wonderful time.