Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekend Trip

A couple weekends ago, we went on a 2-day weekend trip to Fort Payne, AL to go hiking at the Desoto State park. We had been wanting to do something as a family before Cooper starts school in August and this was the only time Blaine had off before then. So Saturday morning we got up early and started on our way thinking we would be there around noon. Well things never go as planned and we got stuck in two traffic jams for 4 hours. We ended up getting to Fort Payne around 7:00 that night. But everyone was a happy camper about the traffic and we just tried to enjoy the car ride as much as possible. We stopped numberous times to get ice cream, candy, chips, drinks and for bathroom stops. When we finally made it to the hotel everyone was more than ready to stretch their legs. First on the kids agenda, try out the indoor pool! They had so much fun being able to swim with their daddy. All summer it has only been me at the pool with them, since Blaine hasn't had much time off. We then ate dinner and welcomed an early night of sleep. We woke up bright and early ate breakfast and headed off the Desoto State Park to start the day off on a hiking trail. Blaine loves to hike but we haven't been able to do it in years, so Blaine was VERY EXCITED that the kids were finally old enough to enjoy hiking with him. We choose a 3 mile trail that took you slightly up into the mountains and headed out. On our hike we saw a snake, (I stepped over it and so did Cooper, but the ever observant Blaine saw it and waited for it to slither off the trail), squirrels, deer, birds, a rabbit, turtles and too many insects to count! Cooper and Carter were great on the hike. They loved it and couldn't get enough of the outdoors. When we finally made it to the end of the trail, they had a little camp store that sold ice cream and nic-nacs, so we let the boys get some ice-cream and pick out a play snake and turtle. We finished off the day by taking the scenic drive trail that overlooked the Little Canyon and waterfall. It was then time to head on our way back home. The drive home went just as planned and we made it home around 9:00 that night. It really was alot of fun and Blaine already has another trip planned.
Stuck in traffic jams for 4 hours.
Once out of the traffic jam we had to stop for ice cream!
Carter was a pretty good traveler, most of the way.
After being on the road for 9 hours(should have only taken 5) everyone was HAPPY to be at the hotel.
Cooper being crazy while getting ready to try out the pool at the hotel.
loving the indoor pool.
Carter wouldn't let his daddy out of his sight.
Next day, ready to begin our hike. (Did I mention it was only 70 degrees outside. It was actually a bit chilly. Perfect hiking weather.)
Cooper was so excited, he kept saying "We are going on an adventure!"
Me inside a small cave. Blaine didn't think I would do it since it had lots of spiderwebs, but I put on my brave face and did it just to show him! Who cares that I screamed 3-4 times before taking this picture! :)
We finally let Carter stretch his legs and he decided he could climb just like Cooper. He was so proud of himself when he made it to the top with daddy and Cooper.
Snack break!
Cooper leading the way!
Getting sleepy hanging out on daddy's back.Stone quarry, it is grown up alot,but this is where the workers chisled out the stone to build most of the structures at the state park. You can still see tools left there.
Cool rocks
Me with the hiking stick that I laughed at Blaine for buying. Guess who ended up loving it and using it for the whole hike? Yep, ME!!
More cool rocks
Sign we saw at the park. Blalock is my maiden name.
Overlooking Little Canyon. There is a waterfall to your Right, but I couldn't get a good picture of it. You can hike down to the waterfall and play in it, but Carter was asleep at this point and we were all worn out.
Ice cream after the hike! It was well deserved. Cooper hiked the whole 3 miles and never complained!


Mills Family said...

Sounds like a lot of fun despite the 4 hour delay, the spiders and snakes. Glad you were able to have some time together before the school year begins.

Sarah said...

My brother just moved from Fort Payne. LOL He was stationed there. Anyway, it sounds like you guys had such a good time. I enjoy hiking too. I haven't been in like forever. I can't believe the story about the snake...yikes! And I am sorry to hear about the traffic that is never fun especially with kids. It is always fun to spend time together as a family. I am glad you guys were able to get away.

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing that Amber! Looks like you had a GREAT time! I have always wanted to go there. Maybe I can talk Marc and the kids into it for next year!