Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cooper's ART CLASS

Cooper LOVES art, so we decided to put him in an art class. Cooper has been taking the class at the Mobile Museum of Art, since last September. He really likes going and being with the older kids. The class consists of 4 year olds - 8 year olds. He is one of the youngest in the group. He has had a few problems learning to sit still and to raise his hand, but he has really learned alot and it has really helped with his social skills! At home we display his art proudly and encourage his creative thinking. On Tuesday he had his last day of art class until the summer session starts. The parents got to come and look at the kids artwork on display then the kids got to stand in front of everybody and tell about their art. Afterwards they had a party for the kids honoring their great job! It was alot of fun!

Cooper really likes his art teacher! She is very patient with Cooper!


Mills Family said...

Cooper you are so artistic. Looks like a super dooper fun class! Great work.

Sarah said...

So fun! I bet he loves that. What a great way to get him ready for school. I still can't believe he is going this fall. He looks so grown up and so proud of himself. He is a sweet little boy.