Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Gift #1- DONE!!!

It seems like I have a TON of family and friends having babies lately! Two friends here in Mobile are pregnant, two of my cousins are pregnant, my sister is pregnant and I am sure there are more babies to come. I have been sewing baby gift after baby gift. I LOVE it though, so I am not complaining. Baby stuff is ALOT of fun to make! I can only post the pictures after I give the gift, since all of my friends and family, who the gifts are for, check my blog. So here it is baby gift #1.

Wrapped and ready to go!
Onesie with skirt, bib and bow to match
Look what I put on the bum of the onesie!

Matching burp cloth


Kaitlan said...

that is so dang cute! I am sure Sari LOVED IT!

Jill Britt said...

Wow! That is too cute. Almost makes me wish we were having a girl!

Sarah said...

Awww...I love it! I love how you put her name on the back of the onesie! LOL Very cute and creative. You should start selling your stuff. =c) Great Job!