Thursday, September 4, 2008

We LOVE the dentist!!! YAY!!

Cooper went to the dentist today for a checkup! The last time Cooper went to the dentist in Jackson, it was horriable! Blaine had to literally hold him down while Cooper kicked and screamed! Today I was preparing for the worst and so was Cooper. Armed with two stuffed animals and my encouragment Cooper slowly made his way through the door. When they called us back Cooper had the look of fear in his eyes and would not budge an inch past the door. I was like, oh no, please don't do this again. I looked at the dental tech and explained our dentist trauma and she and the other tech immediately went into overkill happiness of how fun the dentist is! But guess what it worked! Cooper immediately sat in the chair and started asking what all the tools did. He let them take x-rays, clean his teeth and then let the dentist probe around in his mouth without as much as a wimper!!!! I WAS SUCH A PROUD MOMMY! When he got done, they let him pick a sticker and gave him a toothbrush and toothpaste. He was grinning from ear to ear. He then asked "When do I get to come back and get another toothbrush?" I guess turning 4 does make them grow up just a little bit!! Anyway I just had to brag about how big Cooper was today!!!

Showing off his clean teeth and new toothbrush!!


Sarah said... cute! I am glad you guys had a better visit. I love his face in this picture! LOL It is amazing how children react to getting prizes! Yay for Cooper!

Susan said...

YAY! Good job Cooper!!