Monday, September 29, 2008

One very long week....

Well lets see, where do I start? Last week was a very fun, long, tiresome, exciting, fabulous, week. It all started the week before we were susspose to leave on vacation, (yes Blaine got a week vacation) when Blaine's car decided it would not go another mile (literally) and died on railroad tracks (poor Blaine). Some how he finally got it off the tracks and working again, then the next day it overheated and I had to bring him coolant so he could drive home. Then the next day it burst into flames while driving down the highway. Blaine had to pull the car over and put the fire out! :( Well that was the straw that broke the camels back and we decided it was time for a new vehicle. So we looked on the internet and read review, after review, after review of cars, suvs, mini-vans, and wagons. We finally decided on a wagon and Blaine went around to the different dealership in search of a good, used one. So in the first two days of our vacation we traded in Blaines car and bought a 2007 Dodge Calibur. YEA!!! I love it.
It drives like a SUV and has more room than a car, but it is way smaller than the dreaded mini- van and plus it was in our price range!! I am super excited to have a new vehicle, but I think Blaine is even more excited to get my old car passed down to him to drive to work. Anyway, since we had just purchased a new vehicle and our savings was depleted we decided to just visit family and friends for our vacation and make it a cheaper vacation. In spite of not spending alot of money on vacation, we still had a GREAT time and enjoyed getting to see all of our family and friends!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Holy cow poor Blaine! I can't believe his car caught on fire. That is crazy! I like your new car though. It is really cute.