Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I don't do personal posts very often, but I have a lot on my mind lately. Here are some random thoughts, that I just needed to get out.

~Owning and running ones own practice is a lot of hard work and stress.

~Paying off student loan debt stinks as does housework! I love the reward at the end though! :)

~Gossip hurts!

~Living in a small town has its perks and it's downsides.

~Babies are EXHAUSTING but oh so cuddly and lovable!!!!!

~Days are long, but years are short.

~Being a mother is emotionally, spiritually, and physically draining. I have been forgetting to take time to refill these things.

~2 year olds talk a lot (most of which I cant understand) and have a lot of meltdowns! ;)

~Vacuuming keeps me sane (the sound and motion is therapeutic, plus it drowns out baby crying or toddler whining)! :)

~Yes,I have my hands full, but that's the way I like it. I would probably be bored otherwise! ;)

~We have a most gracious and loving Heavenly Father who loves us and knows each one of us personally! Never forget that!



Ariana Sullivan said...

Hey Amber!
Your baby boy is so cute! In several pictures I didn't even notice his syndactyly!

I wonder why his doctor is doing his surgery so early? Most people I know have type 1 surgery done at 18 months or even older! Not that it matters that much, it just surprises me.
Anyway, we might be going through our babies' recovery process at the same time. I have an appointment with his surgeon this week and we'll schedule surgery. I'm super nervous. Are you freaking out about it?

Ariana Sullivan said...

Oh I forgot to ask, do you have facebook? It'd be cool to connect on there, easier to chat than on blog comments. haha