Do you ever feel like your doing everything wrong as a parent? Yesterday was one of those days. It started off wrong with me fussing and no one getting ready for church and as much as I tried to stay calm I was already on edge and I just wanted to sit and enjoy sacrament meeting. No such luck. Carter started whining as soon as we sat down and would not stop. I gave him a warning and it continued so out the door we went. First of all I am 33 weeks pregnant and dragging(yes, dragging) a 5 year out of the door is the last thing I want to be doing. He runs, I chase, I spank, he cries. It's was not a pretty scene. I am tired/pregnant and he is VERY stubborn. Again, I just want to sit down and enjoy Sacrament meeting. This scene played out again in primary when Carter refused to listen to his teacher. By the time church was over I was DONE!!!! Why is parenting so hard? I don't like to discipline my kids. I don't like to fuss, do timeouts, take away toys/privileges or be the mean mom, but I do have certain expectations of how a 5 year old should act. Ughhhh.... I feel like I do everything wrong with Carter. There must be some sort of parenting technique that I am missing. The thing is I have been trying with Carter since he was just a little toddler. He has always been a stubborn, over active, and very dramatic child. I thought with consistency he would eventually be this perfect child and all would be well! Lol :) I've since learned its not that easy. I am not perfect and I make many parenting mistakes, but I try very hard to raise respectable, well mannered, good kids. So, why do I still feel like I am failing. I worry about what other people think of my parenting. I worry they think I am too harsh or not loving enough. I worry Carter will grow up hating me for disciplining him. I worry I am doing this parenting thing all wrong. Ughhhh....... Like I said Why is parenting so hard?
7 years ago
I feel the same way about Grayson! He is extremely head strong and stubborn. He is also hyperactive! He does everything in his power to annoy his older sister and he does a good job b/c they constantly fight! I feel like I am constantly yelling, spanking, or telling him to stop doing something! Believe me I know what you are going through except with the exception of being prego! If you find any tools let me know as I will let you know too!! I did read a book called "parenting the strong willed child" It has a great plan!!
I totally feel you, I thought Emma was my hardest but now Charlotte is going through some demon baby phase. She screams, hits and punches, a 2 year old! I have never had such a violent child! I don't know if its her being the 5th and fighting for attention, but I feel like I am constantly having to give her attention, just not the positive kind. :( But I've come to the realization that parenting is suppose to be hard, it may be rewarding but I think that's in the long run. Hang in there, we all go through this!
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