Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love, Sweet Love

February is the month of love and my house looks like a huge heart exploded inside!  The boys and I did a lot of DIY Valentine crafts to decorate the house with since I was the host of our Bunco group this month. The boys had a blast decorating but I think Blaine is super ready for the decor to come down. Lol :)

Lucy looking so cute in her Valentine outfit I made her.
Kisses for Lucy from Henry!
The kiddos helping me with a Valentine door Hanger. It was a mess, but the kids had fun.

 My crazy decorated house ready for Bunco night.

Tissue paper creations. Cheap, but cute!





Sarah said...

I love your lovely home! =c) You always have such cute decorations. I love where the boys are helping with your door hanging and Lucy is grabbing the trash can! You kiddos are too cute.

Kara and Theo said...

That was such a fun night, and you did a great job with the decorations. I LOVE those little tights you have on her! Did you make those too?