Sunday, September 25, 2011


Turning thirty was a hard brithday for me. Blah.... I moped around for days feeling like an old woman. LOL :) But then I realized I can't reverse time and so I should just make the most of aging! I have learned a lot as I have grown older and realize I will only gain more wisdom as life continues on.  In the last 10 years  I have gained confidence that I never  knew I had, learned that even though the road is tough I am tougher, became a mom and realized how important my job as a mom is, seen my testimony and love for the Savior grow, and so much more! So here's to turning THIRTY! 30! WOW! Let's hope the next 10 years are just as great!!!


Mills Family said...

Welcome to the thirties girlfriend!!! Love the picture you look awesome for having a baby 2 months ago.

Laura Tanner said...

Happy birthday! 30 isn't so bad. I'm afraid of 40 though. :-)

Sarah said...

Aging is terrifying to me too. You are much more positive than I am. The good thing is that you don't even look 30 and you especially don't look like you just had a baby. Happy Birthday! And I sure hope that the next 10 years are wonderful for you too!