Friday, September 2, 2011

End of August

The month of August has flown by with many firsts for Lucy. She had her first Sunday at church where I tried(with little success) to ward off all the many hands trying to love on her. Oh well! She has to get exposed to the germy world at some point.  She also had her first trip to the beach with her brothers! She slept the whole time, but nonetheless she was at the beach.  :)  And to top it all off she turned 1 month old! She weighed 9lb 9oz at her 1 month check up. I had to pack up the newborn clothes and switch her to a size 1 diaper. She is growing so fast!
 Carter has rule of  the house now with Cooper in school and he is loving having Lucy and me all to himself.  He loves on Lucy, talks to her and tries to play with her.  He is being an awesome big brother!! 
Lucy's first Sunday at church.
 Carter trying to shuss Lucy while I was changing her diaper. 
1 month old. SO CUTE! I love her smiles!!!
Relaxing in her swing.
First time at the beach! 
All dressed up! 
Cool bug Carter found! 
Awesome big brother!
Carter rubbing Lucy's head and talking to her.  He loves Lucy very much!


Kara and Theo said...

Those are some super cute photos!!! Except the one where Carter has that praymantis on his arm. EWWWW!!!

Mills Family said...

She is getting so big. She is so blessed to have such wonderful big brothers.