Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A long couple of days...

We have been throughly enjoying our summer, but now our water plans will have to be put on hold for a few weeks.  On Saturday Carter decided to somehow fly/jump off of a bunkbed and hurt his arm(we were in Hattiesburg,MS).  After he got hurt I really didn't think it was anything serious, but he continued to not use his arm and complain of pain.  So we gave him Motrin and we headed home from Hattiesburg getting home very late. Then when we woke Sunday morning his elbow was really swolen/stiff and  he wouldn't move it at all.  So we spent the early morning at the Pediatric ER to have his arm splinted and x-rayed and  then a refferal on Monday to the Pediatric Orthopedic clinic. 
After the ER visit we hurried back home, quickly changed and headed to church to teach my class.  By the time church was over I was exausted.  I felt so bad because it was Father's Day and Blaine was getting off a night shift and I didn't have anything planned  for him. On our way home from church I got a call from Blaine telling  me not to worry about dinner he would cook for me and the boys! Awwww... Seriously, that was the sweetest thing ever.  He was just as tired as I was and it was Father's Day but he was trying to make me feel better. At least I did have a gift for Blaine that I had picked up the night before! :) I love you  Blaine, you  are a wonderful father and husband.
On Monday we headed to the Ortho clinic to wait 3 hours for the Dr. to get  out of surgery while Carter and Cooper about drove everybody in the clinic crazy, including myself!! :) After another x-ray we were told it was a fracture to the radial head(elbow) and needed to be casted for 2 weeks. So no swimming or water activities for Carter for two weeks! BOO!! :(  I honestly don't know how I am going to keep the kid occupied. He loves the outdoors and as hot as it is anytime we go outside  it involves some sort of water activity.  Carter has been a little trooper though!  He hasn't complained except when it hurts and has been so loving to all the nurses and doctors. When we left the clinic, Carter made sure to give everyone a big thank you! In his own words "Thank you for fixing me all better"! He is such a sweet kid! We are just grateful it was only a fracture and will heal quickly! :)
When Carter was asked what color he wanted for his cast he said "green" then when it was all finished he looked at the guy and said "I think blue is my favorite".  We all just laughed, too late! :)


Sarah said...

Awww...his little arm looks so tiny in that big cast. It sounds like he is a tough and very brave little boy.

Mills Family said...

We are so grateful that Carter is OK. I was thinking about getting bunkbeds for our boys but this is a good reminder to wait. Let us know when the cast is off so we can enjoy the pool together.