Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

A couple of weeks before Mother's Day I recieved my Mother's day gift early since it came in the mail. It was a necklace that I had been wanting for awhile. It has small, silver charms with my boys names on them. I just LOVE it! Then on Saturday we decided to celebrate Mother's Day early since Blaine had to work Sunday night and would be sleeping all day Sunday. So on Saturday I went out and bought myself a new outfit and then that evening Blaine took me and the boys out to eat. Before we went out to eat Blaine took some pictures of me in my new outfit with the boys. Okay, I know this sounds corny, but I NEVER get pictures of myself! :)Finally we headed to San Miguels, a yummy Mexican restaurant, and ate till we were beyond stuffed. The boys managed to let me finish my food without any crazy mishaps. That was a Mother's Day present all in itself! Sunday morning Blaine and the boys made me breakfast and Cooper made me a card! Later that day after church, the boys and I drove to my brother's house to surprise my mom. They were having a get together but didn't think I was coming. So I got to spend the evening with my mom and dad, my sister and her family and my brother and his family. It was such a wonderful Mother's Day and I am truely blessed to have such awesome kids and an amazing husband. FYI: I ordered my necklace from, her stuff is really cute!
Some of the grandkids celebrating Mother's Day!


Nate said...

sounds like a nice mothers day. Your outfit is really cute, love the shirt.

Nate said...

Nate = Kaitlan, just so your not confused. I was logged on as Nate today.