Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Homemade laundry detergent

Hello 2014! We had a fabulous Christmas and New Years but due to multiple episodes of sickness in our family I haven't had the time to blog. What I have been doing a lot of though is laundry!! Ugh!! With all of the sick people in our home I have been washing an extreme amount of large loads of laundry daily (bedsheets, blankets, pillows, comforters) and have been going through a lot of laundry detergent. So I decided to try out my sisters recipe for homemade laundry detergent since it is cheaper than store bought. It takes a bit of time to mix up (mainly grading the bars of soap) but I love it! I have been using it for about 4 weeks and have not found a negative side yet! I used 2 large Home Depot buckets to mix it up in. Once all ingredients were poured together I kept pouring it back and fourth between two buckets to get it really mixed together. I then put it in two glass jars with lids (the large cookie jar size) to keep in my laundry room.


Here's the recipe with the price breakdown if you care to try it!

1 Box of Super Washing Soda 3 lb. 7 oz. ($3.24)
1 Box of Borax 4 lbs 12 oz. size ($3.38)
1 Box of Pure Baking Soda 4 lb. ($2.12)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha 5.5 oz. or you could also use Ivory soap ($0.97 x3)
1 container of Oxy-Clean 1.3 lb ($3.86)
1container of Purex Crystals 28 oz. for scent or Downy unstoppables crystals ($5-$6)

Grate the soap as finely as possible
Then mix all together

Use 2 tablespoons per load


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