Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lathen Sean Britt

Baby #4 has came into our lives and we are completely in love! Lathen has been such a calm laid back baby and has not been phased at all by the crazy chaos of his three other siblings! Life is good and we are so blessed to have a healthy baby boy! Lathen decided to teach me patience and made his debut at 40 weeks right on his due date of June 26th (my other babies were early). He weighed in at 6.5 and was 18 in long. He is my smallest baby and I realize just how tiny he is when I dress him and change his diaper and look at his little arms/legs and tiny bum! :) He is a super nurser though and is making up for his tiny size by nursing every two hours on the dot. Welcome to the world sweet Lathen!

Here is his birth story in pics.
We checked into the hospital at 12:00 and after only about 3 and a half hours of natural labor and 3 pushes he was welcomed into the world! The most perfect, sweetest thing ever!


Scrunchy old man face!
My Doctor who literally ran from his clinic across the street to the hospital. He was out of breath and panting when he got to my room. I had warned him before hand that I didn't push very long and he had assured me that he would make it in time! :) He did indeed make it just in the nick of time, he ran in just as I was pushing for the first time.
weight check
First pic with mom and dad!
Mommy time!
Proud papa!
Ready for his first bath. Tiny fingers and toes!
He loved having the warm water running over his head!
All bundled up cozy and clean.
Sucking his two middle fingers.
Lathen was born with syndactyly (digits are fused together) of his two middle fingers on both hands. His is simple incomplete syndactyly, which means they are only fused together with soft tissue that does not go all the way up his fingers and each finger is completely formed seperately. We will have them separated when he is older.
Getting him ready for his siblings to visit.
Cooper and Carter were so excited to be big brothers again!
Lucy didn't want anything to do with baby Lathen. She has been super jealous and is having a hard time adjusting.
My first pic as a mom of 4! ;)
First family pic!
Ready to go home! So tiny in his big car seat.



Kara and Theo said...

He is adorable!! And look at you in your delivery pictures! You look like you just had your makeup and hair done, not that you just had a baby! Lookin' good Mama! =)

Jill Britt said...

I tried to comment from my phone, but for some reason it won't let me. The pictures of Cooper and Carter holding Lathen are too sweet! And Presley sucks those 2 middle fingers so she would've loved if they were together to make it easier on her! I can't wait until we can come meet the sweet boy.