Monday, July 29, 2013

1 month old

Well, I've survived one month of being a mom of four! I'm a bit behind on blogging, but I have somehow managed to keep it all together while entertaining the kids during their last few weeks of summer and throwing birthday parties (I will do a birthday post later) for all three kiddos. Poor Lathen has been hauled around like a baby kangaroo attached in his pouch(baby sling) to all of our various activities! He has been such a good a baby taking it all in stride. He rarely gets fussy unless he is hungry or sleepy and has even been sleeping 5/6 hour stretches the last few nights. It has been such a change from my other high need babies who never slept more than 2 hours at a time. He is definently my calm fourth child! Thank goodness!!!!!!

3 days old

1 week old

So tiny and skinny.

Fourth of July at my moms. Lathen was 1 week old, but we couldn't miss any of the Fourth festivities! The kids had so much fun hanging out with cousins and swimming!

2 weeks old
Lucy finally sat by him and acknowledged him a few times but she still wanted nothing to do with him.
First real bath after his umbilical cord fell off.
Hanging out in his baby sling on mama!
Hanging out at the pool. Even though I couldn't get in the pool water yet and Lathen was only a few weeks old, the kids were dying to go back to the swimming pool, so Lathen and I sat under the pavilion several times a week and took the kids swimming.
3 and 4 weeks oldHe loves sucking his two middle fingers!
Visiting his new cousin James. I think Lathen was 3 weeks old and James was 3 or 4 days old. James is Blaine's brother Darren and his wife Katie's new baby.
He is starting to hold up his head a little bit when on his tummy.
1 month old


He has chunked up and lost his hair on top. He looks like a little old bald man.


Last but not least a silly pic of Miss Priss. While the boys and I were washing the car Lucy got bored and decided to take a bath in the soapy water!


1 comment:

Kara and Theo said...

That is hilarious about him sucking his two middle fingers! I used to do that, but on my right hand!! Funny stuff!