Thursday, June 20, 2013

Keeping busy-39 weeks

Since I am officially pregnant longer than I have ever been before I guess I should document it! :) All of my previous babies were born 39 weeks on the day. I am now 39 weeks and 2 days and just patiently waiting for any sign that this baby is on its way. My belly dosen't seem to be sticking out any farther just expanding to the sides. I actually feel great! The baby seems to have dropped as I can breath really well now and the heartburn is gone.

Since Lucy loves to pull up my shirt to see the baby and kiss on it, I wanted a pic of her loving on my belly. This was the best I could get! LOL :)

As for waiting, I have been trying to do anything to keep busy and not worry about when the baby will come. For some reason I have gotten on a sewing kick after not sewing for most of my pregnancy. Lucy has been the generous recipient of my sewing projects!

Lucy actually let me put pig tails in her hair!!! So freaking cute!

Lucy is ready to be a big sister!

As for keeping the kids busy we've been spending lots of time at the pool and eating plenty of icecream! :)

Both the boys are swimming very well now. They are like little fish. It makes it nice not to have to worry about them swimming around the pool.
I need to get some better pool pics but I keep forgetting to bring my camera.
We spent the day with my mom and dad one day this week. The boys LOVE going to Gigi and Papas house!! Highlight of the day was helping Papa fix the lawn mower.
Lucy is finally warming up to Gigi!

And last but not least a random pic of Lucy being all her princess/drama/silly self! She is such a mess. This pic says it all!!



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