Thursday, April 25, 2013

More Pinterest projects

Nesting and Pinterest are seriously not a good thing together. Lately every Pinterest project I find needs to be finished NOW! It's one of those pregnancy compulsions where all common sense goes out the window and you don't care if the kids get fed as long as your project gets done! Lol :) Here are a few of my latest Pinterest projects that are now marked off my to-do list.

I know you've seen the Pinterest tutorials on how to turn a mans T-shirt into a women's T-shirt and the Pinterest post of monogram pocket t's. Well, since I LOVE wearing Blaine's t-shirts right now but wanted something cuter I decided to combine the two ideas. I love this shirt and have wore it for two days in a row now. I NEED to make more. Seriously comfortable. (btw: Cooper has become my personal pregnancy photographer, since no one else is ever here to take pics for me. :) He really does a good job! Maybe he has a career in photography in his future!)

I found these canisters at Dirt Cheap for a couple of bucks and love the way they turned out with the vinyl lettering!

I made the board for hanging the kids art work awhile back, but I finally got around to doing the vinyl lettering at the top. It really does complete it!

A simple project, but it made a ton of difference in the way it looked. I have had this knife block for forever and it was just plain ugly. So I spray painted it and added a vinyl letter. Not so ugly anymore. :)

A t-shirt dress for Lucy. This was such an easy, fast sewing project and cheap. Literally I just cut off the t-shirt an inch or so under the arms and sewed fabric onto the bottom with elastic around the waist part. Best part, Lucy loves it!



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