Monday, July 12, 2010

Sweet Carter

I just wanted to write down some things that Carter says that I don't want to forget. He has become such a sweet and silly boy talking with a vocabulary that is well beyond  his age. Slowly we have watched  him start  to pronounce certain words correctly much to our sadness, because it means he is growing up. But  he  still has plenty of cute phrases and words that I cherish everytime I hear him say them!
First just let me say, this kid dosen't know how to whisper to save his life. Everything he says comes out extra loud for all to hear. I have tried  to teach him to talk quietly, but honestly I don't think his brain knows anything but LOUD!

"Wes" (his word for yes, sadly he has started saying it correctly now)
"Can we bring my munch box?" (lunch box)
"Have a GREAT day" (talking to his papa or daddy when they leave for work)
"Did you lose your balance?" (asking his cousin why he fell off his tricycle)
"Best friends" (his favorite phrase to say to Blaine and I)
"Best water  friends" (The other day in the pool he changed the phrase up a bit)
"Big hugs and kisses, little hugs and kisses" ( his night time rountine before he goes to bed)
"No, thank you" ( his reply to anything he dosen't want)
"What did you dream about?" (Every morning we go through this rountine of  what we dreamed about that night)
"Is that Drew? or "Is that baby Bryson?" He is obsessed with babies Drew(cousins Nathan and Jill's baby) and Bryson(friends from church baby).  Every picture we see of a baby he asks if it is Drew or Bryson.  Every baby we see in the store he is sure it is Drew or Bryson. He LOVES to look at pictures of Drew and Bryson on facebook/blog and gets really mad when I click off off the pictures.  The funny thing is he calls Drew just "Drew" and Bryson is "baby Bryson" even though they are similiar in age.
"pinger" (finger) "pone" (phone) All "f" sounds come out as "p" sounds
"Sis. Allen give me goldfish and  fruit snacks?" (He asks all  the time about Sis. Allen, his nursery leader.  He really loves her and  it is because of her that he now LOVES nursery)
"Enough talking already" (he screamed  this out at church during one of the speakers, LOL)
And lastly he has the HUGEST/LOUDEST laugh of all time. (just see pic below)


andrea said...

what a stud! :)
and i love that picture of him. so stinkin cute. :)

Sarah said...

Adorable! I love the "enough talking already" LOL that is awesome.

Mills Family said...

You'll have to add "gobbles" for goggles. He is such a doll. I love how he calls me Jenniper. "Baby Bryson" loves Carter too!

Jill Britt said...

I have been meaning to comment on this for a few days now! Carter is too cute. I'm glad that he loves Drew. When does Cooper start school again? I'd love to make a trip to visit before then. Even if it's just me and Drew!