Monday, August 5, 2013

Independent and stubborn

Since Baby Lathen has come into Lucy's life she has decided she is not the baby anymore and does not want to do anything that is considered babyish. She has suddenly become super independent and stubborn. I have had a hard time dealing with her and the most simple daily tasks end in a battle of wills. But within the last two weeks her new found independence/stubbornness has worked in my favor. She decided she did not want to wear diapers anymore (since the baby wears diapers) and literally potty trained herself. The only thing I did was encourage the panty wearing and take her to the toilet when she would tell me potty. She is now fully potty trained!! Yea, go Lucy!!

Reading her book on the potty!
I found her in the bathroom after going potty by herself washing her hands and brushing her teeth.
She LOVES her Dora and Minnie Mouse panties.



1 comment:

Kara and Theo said...

Ok, now I am super jealous...Charlotte is only 2 1/2 and my other kids never potty trained before 3, but after 11 years of straight diapers I am SOOOOO done!! Congrats on her doing it herself, such a big girl now!!