Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Life in a nutshell

Since I have been absent from my blog for so long, here's what The Britt Family has been up too, for the last several months, in a condensed version! Enjoy!
Goodbye, Mobile AL!
Hello, Wesson MS, or if your an LDS church folk hello, RedStar, but if your just a country local hello, LoydStar! Confusing huh? Lol :)
For several weeks after we moved, until all of our stuff arrived, we slept on air mattresses and painted room after room after room. For the first time Lucy finally has her own room! :)
Soon after we moved Blaine started working and officially started his Med-Peds practice. He is enjoying being his own boss and loves getting to practice medicine within the community that he grew up in.
Then the real fun began! Within a two week time span, Lucy turned one....
and Cooper turned eight!
Cooper got baptized....
and started third grade!
Carter started Kindergarten

and a few days later turned five!

Cooper is doing well in third grade even though he hates homework and tests. His new school has been a bit tougher than his last school and we have had to study a lot more than before, but he is sticking with it and making all A's and B's. Since moving here Cooper and Emily have become best buds. They beg each day to visit each other and never seem to get enough play time together. They love exploring the outside area at Grandmas and can spend hours collecting rocks, bugs and " treasures"!
Lucy just keeps growing and growing and has started to say a few first words and signs! Her first words have been bug, up, uh-oh, and eye. She signs dog, milk, eat, bye-bye and bird. She has developed quite the dramatic and stubborn personality when she dosen't get her way. But on the other hand when she does get her way she is all smiles, hugs and kisses!
Carter is loving Kindergarten with a few behavior mishaps every now and then. He tested at a second grade level academically, so we were worried he would be bored with Kindergarten work, but surprisingly he thoroughly enjoys the easy work and loves to get finished first so he can help his classmates with their work. His teacher has been wonderful in dealing with his behavior problems and has been great in finding ways for Carter to move ahead with his reading and math skills.
So until my next blog post, enjoy the wonderful weather and know all is well withThe Britt Family!
Happy Fall Y'all!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So glad to hear that you guys are settled and happy! Your kiddos sound like they are doing great. I love your fall decorations! You house always looks so cute. Hopefully, we will get to see you guys more now that you are a little closer to us. ;)