Saturday, August 20, 2011

Growing Up

Lucy has officially been home for three and a half weeks now! WOW, who knew three weeks could fly by so fast?  I really enjoyed  Blaine's mom and my mom staying with us and was super sad to see them go.  During the last three weeks I have been trying to enjoy each moment with Lucy and have taken about a thousand  pictures. I LOVE holding her on my chest, rubbing her head and listening to her little grunts.  She will only be this little once and it is flying by way too fast.
Blaine went back to work last week and real life has set in.  I took all 3 kids out for the first time to Cooper's school registration.  Lucy did great and stayed very snugly in my baby sling. Seriously love it! We've gone out a few more times since shopping for school shoes, school supplies, groceries and to visit Blaine's family. School started on Monday for Cooper and we are trying to adjust to our early morning rountine. BLAH!! :( I am not an early morning person especially with a nursing baby all night.
Cooper and Carter both had birthdays within the past few weeks and seemed to grow overnight into big kids! :(  Cooper turned 7 and Carter turned 4.  Birthdays are always hard for me because I hate to see my babies grow up. The night before Carter's 4th birthday Blaine told him "you know Carter this will be the last night I will put you to bed as a 3 year old"!  Seriously, Blaine do we need to make it any harder?! Let's just say their were lots of tears and hugs that night! Now whenever Carter sees me tearing up he says "It's ok mom, no matter how big I get I will always give you hugs and kisses".  I really hope he remembers that!!!
Well, enough of the silly emotional stuff. Life is really good, and our family is truly blessed!  I couldn't ask for a better life! And as you probally already guessed I have about a million pictures to go with the post! ;)

Cooper's monster truck cake that Blaine made for Cooper's 7th birthday! Way to go Blaine!!!  
 Cooper was WAY excited to get a Nintendo DS for his birthday!
He loves video games just like dad. 
 My mom and Lucy.
Seriously, mom come back and stay!  It was so nice to have her here with us.
 The boys loving on their new sister.
Carter got to upgrade to a booster! He was so excited to be "BIG" like Cooper! We now have Lucy's carseat in the middle with the boys boosters on the sides in the backseat. It's a tight squeeze, but it works for now! :)
We visited my family in Hattiesburg and the "BOYS" had a blast hanging out!
Carter,Benjamin and Adam (cousins) 
Carter's rocket birthday cake!
 I had a lot of fun making this one! 
Blowing out the candles! 
Big 4 year old!!! 
Sweet Lucy.  
I was going to do a fun  photoshoot for Lucy's two week birthday, but just seconds after taking this pic she puked milk everywhere! LOL :)
2 weeks old
Carter begged me to put Lucy in his baby doll stroller! :) 
 Lucy making cookies with the boys. ;)
Big Brothers!!
 We visited Blaine's family last weekend and got to love on sweet Ellenie.
Ellenie 3 months, Lucy 2 weeks 
The  boys with their cousin Emily at Grandma and Papa's house.
First day of Second Grade! Crazy,chaotic morning!!
 I had to get all three kids and myself dressed and out the door before 8:00a.m. just so I could walk him to his classroom and make sure he was settled in before I left him to begin the new school  year. :'( Tears were from me not Cooper.  
Friday of his first week of school. 
They get  to wear spirit shirts on Fridays and he was excited to wear his tie-dye shirt!
Lucy's first real bath after her belly button fell off.
She loved it and kept trying to eat the droplets of water on her face. 
Playing dress-up for a photoshoot.
Sweet sleepy baby
3 weeks old


Melissa said...

I love Carter's 4 year old B-day shirt. Do you make them all B-day shirts. My kids are lucky to get a cake. Cooper looks so much like Aaron to me in his Tie-dye shirt picture. I'm not sure if anyone else think they look alike.

Sarah said...

You've been a busy lady! Yet, you still manage to keep it together. You are amazing. I love the boy's birthday cakes. Blaine did a great job on Cooper's. Maybe I should try to have Matt make a cake one year. I can't believe that Cooper is a second grader. WOW! He is looks so grown up and mature. It looks like you guys are doing well. Hopefully, we can see you soon.