Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Britt Family Crawfish Boil!!

Once a year we get most of the Britts together for an annual crawfish boil.  We had a great turn out this year thanks to Blaine's Parents hosting it at their house and due to LOTS of grandbabies.  We had a blast, overate and throughly enjoyed visiting with everyone.  It was a lot of  fun for the kids who got to play with all their cousins they hadn't seen in quite awhile.  I took way too many pics as usual, so excuse the 30  something pics.  I  just couldn't narrow them down! :)

First task of the day was to dye the eggs. 
Cooper's favorite multi-tone egg. 
The twins Tyler and Taylor got in on the action. 
Emily's favorite egg. 
A smiley face egg for a smiley boy! 
Emily and  Cooper checking out the crawfish getting a soak. 
The only two brave souls that picked up a live crawfish. 
Darren, Nathan and Blaine cooking the crawfish. 

Live Entertainment from Carter and Emily! 
Pregnant ladies! 
Katie is 10 weeks ahead of me and is due in a few weeks. We  are both having girls, which is a big change from so many Britt boys.
Baby Turner and Papa Jerry.
Auntie Jane and Cooper.  She is so sweet to Cooper and he just adores her.
Drew man taking a break.  Crawfish eating is hard work! :) 
Nathan, Blaine and Darren, the "SERIOUS" eaters! 
The "NOT SO SERIOUS" eaters.
I  think they had one crawfish between them!

My hubby chowing down! 
Ben's (Blaine's brother) first year to join the festivities! 
My sweetie and me!  
Egg Hunt Time! 
Cooper and Emily were the pro egg hunters. 

Ava and Drew just wanted to eat the candy! 

Emily found the "Golden Egg"! Woo-hoo! 
I tried all day to get a pic of these three brothers together. This was the best I could get. 
Granny (Blaine's grandma), Tyler, Turner, Taylor (Blaine's brother's kids)
and Grandma (Blaine's mom).
Twins Tyler and Taylor. 
My boys with their Great Grandma!
We LOVE you Granny!

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