Thursday, January 27, 2011

January randoms

These are just some random pics from January.
Most of them are of Carter since Cooper is now back in school. 
Carter is now a big SUNBEAM at church! The first week he did so well.  He sat still the whole time and listened and sang songs like a perfect angel.  The second week he screamed on the floor the whole time, made me have a melt down in the middle of Primary and sent me home limping with carpet  burns on both my knees!  LOL :) I can laugh now, but I seriously wasn't laughing that Sunday afternoon. Oh well, if you know Carter that  is his personality. I love the kid despite his constant mood changes!!! :)
Reading his new favorite Biscuit book.  He has gotten into reading these preschool series of books that revolves around a dog named Biscuit. They are really cute and I highly recommend them for pre-school age kids. Everytime we go to Wal-mart he wants to get a new one and makes me read it to him until he memorizes it.  Then he will read it over and over by himself.
This pic if for Grandma! Carter brought the camera to me and told me to take a pic of him and Boomer for Grandma.  Boomer is his new stuffed dog toy that Grandma got for him at Christmas.  He sleeps with Boomer every night. Thanks Grandma!
We have had some sunny warm days in between the cold days, so one sunny Saturday the boys and I packed a picnic lunch and spent the day at the beach playing in the sand. 

You know me always looking for the perfect picture opportunity!! 

Lastly, my favorite picture of Carter. 
A couple of weeks ago while I was battling a horriable cold, Carter wouldn't stop whining about everything.  Being too sick to deal with him I went and laid down in bed and tried  to convince him to lay down with me for a nap since I  knew he was tired. After a few minutes the whining stopped and all was quiet. When I got up I found him in the laundry basket sleeping on the warm sheets from the dryer.  Love that boy!!


Mills Family said...


Sarah said...

I love the pictures on the beach. I am so jealous. I would love some sunshine right now. LOL Gabriel and Gatlin don't even go to primary yet. LOL I think we will probably keep them in nursery a little longer. Hopefully, that makes you feel better. LOL Carter sure looks happy sitting in that Sunbeam row though. =c)

Jill Britt said...

Cute pictures! Glad you're back to blogging!