Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Monday for FHE we carved a pumpkin. Blaine always draws the face and carves it while the boys get to  scoop out  the "guts". This year  Cooper was totally disgusted by the pumpkin guts, but Carter loved it. Carter would reach his hands in and scoop it out all ooey and gooey but Cooper preferred the cleaner method of using a spoon and would have rathered not to get his hands icky! Blaine's mom came  down for a few days so we had a special visitor to help out with the pumpkin.  It was alot of fun to have her  around to chat with and the boys loved spending time with their Grandma! Thanks, Sue for coming for a wonderful visit. I just hope we didn't wear you out to much! :)
Daddy concentrating on drawing the pumpkin  face.
Can you see how totally disgusted  Cooper is by the slimy seeds.

What are you going to find Carter?
Pumpkin "Guts"!
Finished Product!! Carter was trying to make the same face as the pumpkin.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute pumpkin! I love Carter's handful of gooey pumpkin guts. Cooper and I are alike, I would have had to use the spoon too. LOL