Thursday, December 3, 2009

guilty generosity!!??

Yea I know, those two words don't go together. But in my crazy world they do... :)
Yesterday we went to Dirt Cheap for our weekly bargain hunting. It turned out a flop, but Carter did mange to find a pack of Hot Wheel cars priced way to high for a discount store. So on the way out I passed the cars off the the cashier and asked her to put them away because we didn't want to buy them. The second Carter realized what was going on he let out a tremendous scream and started throwing a fit. Being a pro at dealing with this kind of behavior (we seem to have ALOT of temper tantrums in our house, LOL),I just scooped the kid up and walked out the door at fast as possible. On my way out the door the cashier speedily gave me a bag and said Merry Christmas. Carter immediately (YES, immediately, can I just say rotten) stopped crying as we both realized she had given us the cars for free. At first I was thinking,well that was very generous of her. But then here comes the guilty part. I started thinking did she just steal the cars and give them to me? No I didn't steal the cars, but did I take something from someone that was stolen? Should've I had said no and given them back and hurt her feeling for trying to do something nice. The whole way home, I was feeling guilty for taking the cars from the cashier. Oh well, I am going with the story that the cashier paid for the cars and then generously gave them to Carter and that she was just trying to spread a little Christmas cheer!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So Cute!

The last few days have been rainy and cold, so Carter has decided the best thing to do on a cold, rainy day is to cuddle up in a bed of blankets in the living room, turn on the Christmas lights and watch a movie. He was just the cutest thing, getting his blankets laid out just right on the floor,taking my hand and leading me over to the Christmas tree and telling me Christmas lights. Lastly he curled up in his blanket with his milk and asked me "Watch movie,TV"?
So with a Christmas movie playing, Christmas tree lights twinkling, a cold sippy cup of milk and his favorite blanket Carter dozed off to sleep with not even a whimper. I love this kid!!! :)