So this year Halloween was not so enjoyable for me. I got a stomach virus the week before and was miserable. Since I was sick I didn't make the boys any Halloween shirts, we didn't do any Halloween crafts or desserts, and I caved in to the cheap Wal-Mart pre-made costume(I just didn't have any energy to sew anything). For the ward Trunk or Treat Blaine took the boys all by himself and got to see how it was trying to keep up with two excited, candy loaded little boys!:) I managed to get off the couch to take a few pictures and then went back to bed. Carter screamed for half an hour before the activity, hating his cowboy outfit, and ended up just wearing part of his costume. We joked we might have to make him a naked cowboy, since he kept stripping down to his underwear and riding around on his play horse. :) Then on Halloween night I was feeling better,but really weak, so we went to my sister in-law's and let her chase everyone around from door to door! Blaine stayed home to hand out candy and enjoyed a night to himself. (He needed it since he had been waiting on me and the kids all week,while I was sick) Carter again hated his costume, so Autumn dug around and found him an Lowe's handy man outfit he seemed to like. The boys got tons of candy and I managed to get their bags away once they had eaten their fair share of candy. Now I hand it out daily for treats or rewards! And as for me I still haven't had the stomach to enjoy the candy very much (usually I raid all of the good candy and leave the boys with the stuff I don't like)! Well there is always next year!

Rough and tough cowboy. He is eating a sucker,which looks like a cigarette. I guess we have the Marlboro man look going on! LOL! He HATED this costume and stripped it off 2 seconds after this picture.

Transformer-Bumble Bee. Don't mess with this tough guy! (yes, we caved to the cheap Wal-Mart costume. But Cooper was so excited to be a Transformer!)

My brother's 4 kids, 2 cousins, and Cooper. I was just getting over a very bad stomach bug,so my sister in-law graciously agreed to take the kids trick or treating and chase after everybody while I just watched and took it easy.
Much happier with this costume than the cowboy one. (thanks to my sister in-law who dug this out of her kids dress up clothes at the last minute) Surprisingly every man in the neighborhood, LOVED his costume and couln't stop talking about the Lowe's handy man.
Adam and Carter gettting a ride in the stroller to the next door.
Candy Loot,YES!!!
1 comment:
I am so sorry that you were sick. There is nothing worse than a stomach virus. I hope you get feeling better soon and get some energy back. I love your boys costumes! I think Carter was a very cute cowboy (for a second LOL) and I love him as a Lowes handyman. Cooper makes a very tough Transformer, even if it is from Wal-mart. LOL I am glad your boys were still able to enjoy themselves.
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