I have been asking Cooper what he wants to be for Halloween and finally he decided on Batman. Well in practice for his Halloween costume I decided to try my hand at a super hero cape. Cooper has been asking for quite awhile for a super cape,but instead I have been lazy and he has been using a baby blanket with a clip on it. :( So finally I made him a real Super Cooper Cape! He was was so excited! He wore it for two days straight! Carter even got in on the action, when Cooper finally did take it off Carter found it and brought it to me to put on him. He loved it also. He walked around the house with the cape on thinking it was so funny! I had to finally make Carter one also, because the boys were fighting over who got to wear it! So here are Super Cooper and Super Carter to the rescue!!!
Carter running through the kitchen wearing the cape!
My mom made a cape for my brother when he was younger and he wore it for weeks! She had a hard time getting him to take it off for church. LOL You did a really good job on them. They are so cute. If we were close all of our boys could run around together. We really miss you guys.
Amber, as usual, you amaze me!! This is awesome!! It looks like this year's Halloween costume is going to be a lot less complicated than the Ninja Turtle from last year! I still can't believe you pulled that off ... My kiddos will probably pick their costumes out of the dress-up box just before trick-or-treating. I'm a slacker mom! :)
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